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Radiant Minds in collaboration with Citizens Association for Child Rights, CACR, commemorates World Earth Day on 22nd April, 2022.

CACR, development partner of UNICEF along with Blue Planet Pvt. ltd is fighting climate change with this one of a kind initiative.
Through this, children will enroll for blue nudge program and learn about plastic segregation at source and collection. Saving those used plastics from ending up into landfills , oceans and environment for thousands of years.
All children will be certified as ‘Planet Warriors’ and participate in the plastic collection drive for a greener planet.. RM family feel blessed to initiate this Plastic Collection Drive in our school premises from today . Do encourage you child to collect waste plastics at home, dry it properly if its wet and deposit it in the big school box. The collection box will be kept on the last day of each month. These boxes will be further collected by CACR personnel’s to make constructive materials like benches , dustbin etc . These recycled materials will be donated to the underprivileged people in the society. We all together can join hands to contribute for a bigger cause.